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Showing posts from April, 2018

Beat the heat!

"Summer is here! And it is evident for us to cope up with the heat alongside all the daily hush bush. It is very important to keep ourselves cool and well hydrated. But due to long work hours or other chores we may not be able to do the same. And here's when we tend to eat or drink whatever that is accessible at that point of time, which may or may not be good for health.   So here am trying to pen down some of my favorite ways to beat the heat this summer. Well honestly I am not a fan of aerated drinks or ice creams. 'A' because they tend to make you feel even more dehydrated and of course 'B' even though I love ice creams I cannot eat it every day.  So the things you will find below are the traditional, desi, home-style solutions which can be easily included in daily diet to keep yourself cool and hydrated throughout the summer! 1. Masala Chaas. Well this comes as no surprise. But I love how refreshing it is for a summer afternoon. But instead